Events for August 28 - July 11

All times are displayed in Eastern Time

Awakening the Sage Within

Sage-ing is a model for engaging more deliberately, more joyfully, and more compassionately as we grow older. Together we will create a warm and safe space to share experiences and thoughts on some of the following topics, based on the ground-breaking book: From Age-ing to Sage-ing: A Profound New Vision of Growing Older by Rabbi Zalman Schachter-Shalomi. This workshop takes place on 4 consecutive Tuesdays in March.

The 18 + 1 Miracle Escape

This year marks the centennial of Sage-ing International’s beloved founder, Reb Zalman Schachter-Shalomi, born in 1924 in what is now western Ukraine. His story will be narrated in a 3-part series by his daughter, Chana Tina (Schachter) Duskis of Israel, assisted by her two brothers, Reb Zalman’s student Rabbi Or Rose, and others. The first episode will be a podcast video; episodes two and three will be live interviews, all accessed on ZOOM.

Turning Points: An Interview with Jamal Rahman

Jamal Rahman is a popular speaker on Islam, Sufi spirituality, and interfaith relations. Along with his Interfaith Amigos, Jamal has been featured in the New York Times, CBS News, BBC, and various NPR programs.

Sailing to Byzantium: The Poetics of Ageing

Join us to explore how the arts and the archetypal can support our collective journeys – laden with new joys, new burdens, and, above all, opportunities that could not present themselves in the busy-ness of our midlife years. This event takes place on four consecutive Saturdays.

Soulful Grieving: The Healing Power of Love

Grief is one of life’s universal experiences that has the power to silence us. Living in the shadow of grief can be tough. We live in a culture that disdains grief and sadness. But the fact is we all grieve. After teaching about grief to others for years as a healthcare educator and chaplain, Richard Groves had to face grief in a deeply personal way following the death of his wife, Mary. Tapping into the wisdom and experience of cultures that deal more courageously with the soulful dimensions of grief, Richard discovered the healing path that can be learned from other great wisdom traditions—and confirmed by the latest scientific research as well.

Zoom for Beginners

Everyone is using Zoom these days for workshops, however, as a participant you may not always feel comfortable with many of the Zoom applications. In this workshop, you will have the chance to explore some of the Zoom tools in a very relaxed way with simple explanations and lots of fun practice.

Embodying the Qualities of a Sage through Qigong

In this series of five classes, we will be looking at Qigong through the lens of the 5 Elements of Chinese medicine and how the characteristics of these elements correspond to the 10 qualities of a Sage in Service. Although this may seem complicated, these two maps of the human personality are quite similar.

Turning Points: An Interiew with Mac Macartney

Mac Macartney is a writer, an activist, and an international speaker. He is the founder of Embercombe, a centre located in the UK that seeks to inspire and empower people to live in close relationship with nature and co-create a regenerative, flourishing future for all species.

Embodying the Wisdom of Midlife and Beyond

This webinar will review theories of aging in psychology, spirituality, and culture. We will then envision how the current cohort of midlife and aging humans can embody the wisdom of their lives and change the cultural view of the aging process. Finally, there will be a practice session for the embodiment of one’s own wisdom and worth.

Wise Women Emerging

Women need the practical tools of self-awareness, self-acceptance, self-reflection, and self-trust to emerge fully into the Wise Woman they are aging into. This course, which takes place over four consecutive Wednesdays, will support each participant in crafting their own practices and rituals in support of this emerging.

The 18 + 1 Miracle Escape

This year marks the centennial of Sage-ing International’s beloved founder, Reb Zalman Schachter-Shalomi, born in 1924 in Zholkiev, Poland in what is now western Ukraine. His story will be narrated in a three-part series by his daughter, Chana Tina (Schachter) Duskis of Israel. In the first part of this three-part series, she will be assisted by her eldest brother Rabbi Shalom Schachter, Reb Zalman’s student Rabbi Or Rose, and others. The episodes will be presented in a podcast video-type format, accessed via ZOOM.

Whether you do your eldering work alone or in socialized settings at workshops and meditation retreats, or through solo meditation and journal writing, remember that the work of integrating body, mind, and soul requires time and commitment…you can begin shaping your life into a noble masterpiece.”

 – Rabbi Zalman Schachter-Shalomi


To support you on what Reb Zalman refers to as “this pioneering journey into your unmapped potential,” whether you are young or old, Sage-ing® International offers 3 categories of educational programs, each with its own unique flavor.

The Signature Programs

serve as an excellent introduction to sage-ing’s core topics (Images of Aging, Life Review, Forgiveness, Facing Mortality, Legacy, and Service).  They provide the tools and resources needed to explore the aging years in order to navigate the second half of life with greater understanding and purpose. 


The World Wisdom Programs

allow participants to explore cultural traditions and perspectives across the globe on aging and spirituality to deepen their understanding of their own aging years and to enhance their “Sage-ing tool-box.”


The Enrichment Programs

supplement and broaden SI’s range of educational opportunities by inviting guest presenters who are accomplished authors, innovators, Sage-ing® Leaders and other creative professionals, to facilitate workshops and webinars that reflect their areas of study and mastery of topics related to aging more consciously.

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Contact Info

13725 Metcalf Ave #436 Overland Park, KS 66223

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