
Wisdom and Spirit in Action

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“Harvesting the Wisdom of our Lives
Finding Ways to Transmit that Wisdom as a Legacy to Future Generations “

Rabbi Zalman Schachter-Shalomi

100 for the 100th

This year, we commemorate the 100th anniversary of our founder’s birth, a visionary whose passion for lifelong learning, living our lives with a sense of purpose and meaning, and being part of a spiritual community, has shaped our organization into what it is today.

We are launching a special fundraising campaign to honor this milestone: $100 for 100 Years. We invite you to be a part of this celebration, to honor our founder’s vision and help us continue to make a difference.

With a $100 donation, you will receive the gift to attend one of our special tributes to Reb Zalman at no charge. Click here to see your special gift options.

Conscious Aging: Conscious Living

Sage-ing® International is about aging consciously through life’s transitions and challenges in community with like-minded older adults.

The Sage-ing® view is one of aging as a spiritual practice that can elicit joy and contentment, positively benefiting our families and the communities and cultures we serve.

From deeper knowing, we gain a confidence and a humility that sees everyday service (wisdom in action) as the natural result of continued inner growth.

sage-ing, aging, elders, community, nonprofit, rebzalman

Sage-ing® Times

The Bulletin


Sage-ing® is a spiritual practice that involves harvesting the wisdom of our lives and finding ways to transmit that wisdom as a legacy to future generations.

In developing an elder spiritual practice we pursue the path proposed by Rabbi Zalman Schachter-Shalomi in his seminal book From Age-ing to Sage-ing® which involves, through introspection, the following:

  • Examining our attitudes and fears about aging and our culture’s stereotypes and claiming our rights to promoting and practicing a new paradigm
  • Connecting to our inner wisdom through growth techniques of psychology and spirituality including meditation, contemplation, journaling and spiritual intimacy (sharing)

  • Learning to nourish ourselves physically, emotionally, mentally, socially and spiritually

Sage-ing International is dedicated to helping elders reclaim their role as leaders, sharing wisdom and spirit essential to creating a better world for current and future generations.

Sage-ing International is a nonprofit organization committed to transforming the current paradigm of aging to sage-ing through learning, service and community.

  • Learning: We share the Sage-ing philosophy worldwide by providing workshops, conferences, webinars, and publications for the public and we train a network of Sage-ing Leaders through the CSL certification program.
  • Service: We encourage and support elders in serving their families, communities, and others around the world.
  • Community: We provide opportunities for individuals on their sage-ing journeys to share and connect with others through interactive opportunities that include chapter programs and wisdom circles. We collaborate with others who share our vision.
  • Respect: We bring an attitude of respect by affirming the worth of self and others, caring for all living things, and practicing stewardship of planet earth.
  • Integrity: We honor the truth of our journey by practicing deep listening while pursuing justice and peaceful engagement in our relationships.
  • Lifelong Learning: We choose to grow spiritually, intellectually, creatively and emotionally based on our yearning for wholeness.
Rabbi Zalman Schachter-Shalomi, author of From Age-ing to Sage-ing, has inspired thousands of people around the world. Sage-ing leaders, trained to apply the ideas of this seminal book and to share these ideas with others, are working to change the way elders are perceived by others and the way older adults approach the second half of their lives.

Sage-ing International (SI) has grown from a seed planted by Rabbi Zalman Schachter-Shalomi in 2004 for a professional association to facilitate exchange of ideas between Sage-ing Leaders and a structure for the training of Sage-ing Leaders.

Sage-ing International (SI), known until 2012 as the Sage-ing Guild and preceded organizationally by the Spiritual Eldering Institute (SEI) which served as the public face of sage-ing work for nearly two decades, has picked up where they left off, training and certifying Sage-ing Leaders and supporting Sage-ing Leaders and Facilitators.

SI has hosted six International Sage-ing Conferences since 2008, attracting growing numbers of participants and providing educational enrichment to Elders around the world.

In 2011, SI adopted a strategic plan expanding its focus, reaching out to those approaching or in the second half of life worldwide. The vision includes life long learning, serving and connecting as three vitally important aspects of the sage-ing journey.

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Qualities Of Sages In Service

“Service is reaching in toward our own wholeness, reaching out towards the worlds needs,

and trying to live our lives at the intersection” Parker Palmer

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