
A Sage-ing Journey: Connecting our Past, Present, & Future


A Sage-ing Journey: Connecting our Past, Present, & Future Growing up I was taught the importance of paying attention, how to listen deeply, and that each step in our personal journey is an opportunity to grow through our daily experiences. I was encouraged to be [...]

A Sage-ing Journey: Connecting our Past, Present, & Future2024-01-26T01:34:37+00:00



Money We elders are encouraged to leave a legacy. The common notion of a legacy has to do with money and property. A newer approach to legacy has to do with our values, our gifts to and from life, sharing with our descendants what is [...]


But Grandma…


But Grandma… But Grandma, I”m 35 and I —I don’t have one. My clock is running. No one will find me attractive or respect me. All of my friends have more than one already. Remember Tzivia, well, she has two and she gets jobs all [...]

But Grandma…2023-09-13T06:47:23+00:00

Reinventing Grandparenting: I never became a mother, but I’m a grandmother now


Reinventing Grandparenting:  I never became a mother, but I’m a grandmother now When many of my women friends were either getting pregnant or longing to get pregnant, I used to think that I was missing a chip. I watched and waited for a maternal feeling, [...]

Reinventing Grandparenting: I never became a mother, but I’m a grandmother now2021-12-08T14:11:24+00:00

Grand-Generational Gifts by Pat Hoertdoerfer


Life hangs on a narrative thread. This thread is a braid of stories that inform us about who we are, and where we come from, and where we might go. -Christina Baldwin One of the threads of my life came from my Grandma Sophie who lived on a farm in northern Wisconsin. [...]

Grand-Generational Gifts by Pat Hoertdoerfer2016-08-21T03:00:29+00:00

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