Brenda Lyons

Brenda Lyons M.A., CSL is a former international educator at both the secondary and university levels. She also has extensive training and experience in the healing arts and is a certified Qigong instructor, Yoga and Mindfulness teacher and Yoga Therapist. Brenda specializes in “Yoga and Qigong for Healthy Aging.” She also trains yoga teachers and therapists internationally in incorporating Qigong into their work. As a consummate life-long learner, Brenda has a passion for inspiring others in their third chapter of life to explore the “possible,” rather than the “impossible.” Brenda presently teaches Tai Chi Easy and “Yoga and Qigong for Healthy Aging” both online and in Panama. Currently she is leading the “Embodying the Qualities of a Sage through Qigong” series for Sage-ing International. Contact: Website: