Debbie Ellis

North Carolina
Debbie Ellis, Ph.D., MTS, EYT, CSL, lives in Hickory, NC. CSL certification continues her spiritual explorations along many paths. Her master’s degree in theology emphasized Adult Christian Education. Yoga and nature inform her spirituality, and she is particularly interested in relationship with the Divine as the Beloved. Along with Animas Soul Crafting and council practices, Debbie’s spirituality is informed by years of teaching yoga, playing the Native American flute, the Hero’s Journey, Hospice volunteer, and silent retreats. In her varied careers, she served as a chemist in R&D and manufacturing, an adult Christian educator and retreat leader in the United Methodist Church, and as a yoga teacher. As a Sage-ing leader she will accompany others on their journey into vibrant elderhood through friendship, workshops, and wisdom circles. Debbie’s email contact is