Chuck Warren

Florida - Winter haven
Chuck is a retired social worker who has organized Sage-ing events and Wisdom Circles since the year 2000. His Sage-ing work began with the support of his employer at that time—the Winter Haven Hospital in Winter Haven, Florida. Since retiring, he has focused much of his time volunteering and bringing new programs into the local area. In addition to Sage-ing, he has been involved in One Billion Rising, an international program designed to stop the abuse of women and girls; political actions to benefit his community; and is a board member of the Neighborhood Improvement Corporation, a local organization. Chuck is the author of two published books: one, a middle grade novel concerning the difficulties of a homeless student—Address Unknown; the other, a nonfiction book—From Slavery to Community Builder: The Story of Lawrence B. Brown. Chuck currently is the facilitator of a Wisdom Circle that meets weekly in-person and on Zoom. Chuck can be contacted at