Marilyn Loy Every

Washington - Seattle
Marilyn Loy Every holds a Doctor of Ministry degree in Wisdom Studies with a focus on aging, and Certifications in Spiritual Direction and Sage-ing Leadership. She also holds a Master of Arts in Counseling Psychology, and Master of Science in Audiology. Marilyn is founder of Sagessence (, a company dedicated to promoting affirmative transformation of personal and cultural views of aging. She currently serves on the Executive Circle and the Executive Emeritus Circle of Leaders for Sage-ing International ( Marilyn is a Certified Sage-ing Leader and Co-Coordinator for an online Spiritual Companioning Wisdom Circle. She views these roles as opportunities to support change that honors aging in creating a better world. Marilyn has authored Fire in the Well, Women and the Liberating Journey of Aging--Awakening fire in the heart, and Tending the Fire—each book embracing themes relative to aging. She enthusiastically facilitates seminars, retreats, and classes that focus on potent aging topics. It is the Pacific Northwest with its powerful natural beauty—the home of her heart—that imprints Marilyn’s soul-scape and influences her outlook, spirituality, and work in the world. Contact Marilyn at