Karen West

Minnesota - St. Paul
Rabbi Zalman Schachter-Shalomi said that sage-ing (conscious aging) is “initially a search for companions, fellow travelers of this unexplored territory who share a compatible vision of human growth and lifestyle practices.” Karen is currently doing everything she can to grow the Twin Cities community, but is just getting started, and needs you. In addition to being a Certified Sage-ing Leader, she is a lifelong educator, a Certified Legacy Facilitator, and a Spiritual Director. She currently facilitates the SI day-long workshop, Awakening the Sage Within, a 6-8 week class, Conscious Aging: A New Paradigm for Aging, and two ongoing monthly groups, or as SI calls them, Wisdom Circles. If you would like to read some of her writing, you can find it on her blog: karenwestcsl.com. Please contact her if you would like to hear more or to get involved. She’s looking forward to meeting you! Contact: karenw0214@gmail.com