Georgeanna Tryban, PhD, MSW, CSL

Indiana - Indianapolis
Georgeanna is a Certified Sage-ing Leader focused on taking individuals and groups on the journey of a lifetime – a Sage-ing Journey to joy and purpose in the post-retirement years. Sage-ing International Leader: Co-Leader of the Education Team, serving on its Coordinating Circle (Board of Directors), past Executive Team Member: Treasurer. Mentor in the CSL training program. Presenter for SI’s online offerings: Awakening the Sage Within and Continuing the Sage-ing Journey. Successful-Aging Specialist: Georgeanna became a Certified Gerontologist from University of Michigan early in her career and received her PhD in Social Psychology/Sociology from Michigan State University. She got her Clinical MSW, focused on gerontology, from Tulane University, New Orleans and did post-doctoral research at the Center on Aging and Health at Case Western Reserve University, Cleveland. Sage-ing Services: Retired from Indiana State University, Georgeanna is pursuing her personal later life goals of inspiring and guiding others toward self-actualization by designing and presenting original, customized workshops and helping individuals co-create their Sage-ing Journey and live with optimism and balance during the pandemic using her training as a therapist and her background in Gestalt psychology. Contact: