Caryl Pripusich

Illinois - Chicago
Caryl is a licensed clinical social worker and Jungian Analyst by training. Working with elders in Hospice, therapy, and in engaged Buddhist meditation centers, she enjoys meeting others who care about spiritual and environmental concerns. Teaching a class on Aging at Olli and facilitating “Art of Aging” workshops, Caryl likes to “wake up” one’s conscious elder and promote legacy projects. The Sage-ing training deepened Caryl’s work with its’ core concepts of Facing Mortality, Forgiveness, and Legacy. She uses the expressive arts of Labyrinth walking, Sandtray making, and guided meditation to help meet our Inner Elder. She can’t wait to meet a neighbor, a relative, or a colleague and introduce them to Reb Zalman’s precious work of building joy and community as we move through the evening and night of our lives. Contact: